In the year of 2005, I elaborately wrote (in the book "My Song - Texts about the Soundtrack of Life") about the fateful meaning of the worldwide summer hit of 1977: Hotel California... In 2008 I was guest at a writer's congress in Yoshkar Ola, the capital of the Autonom Russian Republic of Mari El - a region near the river Wolga, where an enchanting finno-ugric tribe dwells, about whom not even my friends in only 800 km distant Moscow had ever heared. There I also got to know something about the Udmurts, another finno-urgic tribe in the range of the Wolga region with an astonishing culture as well - and I even met a young fascinating Udmurt poetemme (see below). That is why I am emotionally involved in many respects and recommend: the Voices of the grandmothers of Buranovo!
The young Udmurt poet Mush Nadii (2008).
An Edition of her poems in Urdmurt, Estonian, Russian and English
was published 2006 with the titel "barefoot" by KIRJASTUSKESKUS (Tallinn).
(I own the book!)
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