Friday, January 23, 2015

poetry conference (poem)

complaint conference
(the future of poetry)

silence please
the poets are talking
the poets are talking inside
the poets are talking inside the building
please silence they are talking about the future of poetry

silence please
the poets are worried
the poets are worried a lot
the poets are worried about poetry
the poets are worried about the future of poetry
but the truth is they are worried about the future of the poets

outside the building no silence at all
the traffic runs through the streets with a roaring
a taxi driver is buying flowers for his girl
an old woman is saying a prayer
a grey bird is praising the sun
and the young man at the sidewalk
is loudly singing his favoured pop song

may be I am not a poet
but I am not worried 
about the future
of poetry

Saturday, January 10, 2015

A quote for my muslim friends (after the "Charlie Hebdo" assassinations in Paris)

"Do not let yourselves provoke now! ... The devastating of this terrible attack was (also) that it perverted the sides: It has changed the Muslims from the position of the victim to the one of the perpetrators and brought the French journal from the attacker to the victim." The magazine Charlie Hebdo of course has deliberately offended Muslims with the publication of cartoons depicting the prophet and of course it was appropriate that the Muslims would defend their prophet, but: "This must however be done with wisdom and understanding!"

Mohammed Mokhtar Gomaa, the Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowments, preached at the friday prayer (9th January 2015) of the Sultan Hasan Mosque in Cairo.

Source: German weekly newspaper "Die Zeit

Unfortunately most German media did not report much about Merabet Ahmed, the French policeman who was murdered by the unscrupulous assassins on Wednesday in Paris. Merabet was injured in the street near the editorial office of "Charlie Hebdo", as one of the hooded perpetrators approached him and without hesitation shot in the head killing him. Merabet was a Muslim. The Muslim activist Dyab Abou Jajah wrote Thursday on Twitter: "I'm not Charlie, I'm Ahmed, the dead policeman. Charlie Hebdo was making fun of my faith and culture, and I died for his right to do that."